Source code for durin.permissions

Durin provides two *abstract* permission classes which
make use of the :class:`durin.models.Client`
model it offers.

You will need to subclass them and modify the
``allowed_clients_name`` or ``disallowed_clients_name`` property per your wish.

Then you may use them the same way as other
`DRF permissions <>`__ or
activate them on all your views by adding
under your app's ````

from rest_framework.permissions import BasePermission

[docs]class AllowSpecificClients(BasePermission): """ Allows access to only specific clients.\n Should be used along with :doc:`auth`. """ #: Include names of allowed clients to ``allowed_clients_name``. allowed_clients_name = ()
[docs] def has_permission(self, request, view): if not request.auth: return False return in self.allowed_clients_name
[docs]class DisallowSpecificClients(BasePermission): """ Restrict specific clients from making requests.\n Should be used along with :doc:`auth`. """ #: Include names of disallowed clients to ``disallowed_clients_name``. disallowed_clients_name = ()
[docs] def has_permission(self, request, view): if not request.auth: return False return not in self.disallowed_clients_name