Source code for durin.auth

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from rest_framework import exceptions
from rest_framework.authentication import BaseAuthentication, get_authorization_header

from durin.models import AuthToken
from durin.settings import durin_settings
from durin.signals import token_expired

# try to import memoize
memoize = None

    from cache_memoize import cache_memoize as memoize
except ImportError:

[docs]class TokenAuthentication(BaseAuthentication): """ This authentication scheme uses Durin's :class:`durin.models.AuthToken` for authentication. Similar to `DRF's authentication system <>`__, it overrides it a bit to accomodate that tokens can be expired. If successful, - ``request.user`` will be a django ``User`` instance - ``request.auth`` will be an ``AuthToken`` instance """ model = AuthToken def authenticate(self, request): auth = get_authorization_header(request).split() prefix = durin_settings.AUTH_HEADER_PREFIX.encode() if not auth or auth[0].lower() != prefix.lower(): return None if len(auth) == 1: msg = _("Invalid token header. No credentials provided.") raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg) elif len(auth) > 2: msg = _("Invalid token header. " "Token string should not contain spaces.") raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg) return self.authenticate_credentials(auth[1]) @classmethod def authenticate_credentials(cls, token): """ Verify that the given token exists in the database """ token_str = token.decode("utf-8") try: # read settings to_select = durin_settings.AUTHTOKEN_SELECT_RELATED_LIST # get AuthToken object if isinstance(to_select, list): auth_token = AuthToken.objects.select_related(*to_select).get( token=token_str ) else: auth_token = AuthToken.objects.get(token=token_str) # validate token if cls._cleanup_token(auth_token): e = _("The given token has expired.") raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(e) return cls.validate_user(auth_token) except exceptions.AuthenticationFailed as e: raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(e) except Exception: msg = _("Invalid token.") raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg) @staticmethod def validate_user(auth_token: AuthToken): if not auth_token.user.is_active: raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(_("User inactive or deleted.")) return (auth_token.user, auth_token) def authenticate_header(self, request): return durin_settings.AUTH_HEADER_PREFIX @classmethod def _cleanup_token(cls, auth_token: AuthToken): if auth_token.expiry is not None: if auth_token.has_expired: username = auth_token.user.get_username() auth_token.delete() token_expired.send(sender=cls, username=username, source="auth_token") return True return False
# if memoize is available, create another token authentication class # which uses django-memoize for caching if memoize:
[docs] class CachedTokenAuthentication(TokenAuthentication): """ Similar to ``TokenAuthentication`` but uses `django-cache-memoize <>`__ as cache backend for faster lookups. The cache timeout is configurable by setting the ``REST_DURIN["TOKEN_CACHE_TIMEOUT"]`` under your app's ````. **How To Enable:** 1. Install django-cache-memoize .. parsed-literal:: pip install django-cache-memoize 2. Then you need to use ``CachedTokenAuthentication`` instead of ``TokenAuthentication``. """ @classmethod @memoize(timeout=int(durin_settings.TOKEN_CACHE_TIMEOUT)) def authenticate_credentials(cls, token): return super().authenticate_credentials(token) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__